Monday, September 14, 2009


I have a tendency of complicating what could be ‘simple’ communication.

Please hang with me.

I want to start with a verse that always leaves me contemplating; non-fail, every time: Matthew 6:34

Says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

It’s a proven fact; girls can be needy. And since God decided to create me female, I can be needy too. My all-time, biggest would definitely be the need for STABILITY. We all have childhood hang-ups. Mine would be that everything seemed to always be changing, except for the things I felt needed to. For those that aren’t following, I have a need to know things. If I know it, I can figure it out. If I figure it out, I can understand it. If I understand it, I can eventually control it.

I know my ultimate spiritual goal is to have a peace with every unknown, by developing a matured trust in God. This was a broad question asked, and there are millions of ways I could have answered. I chose, however, to answer with this because I know it’s my biggest challenge. I purpose to have an unfailing trust in an always-faithful God.

Then follows Matthew 7:24 which says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” I believe God gives us opportunities, and He expects us to make use of them. I believe also that He’s a plan for us and doesn’t want us to miss it.

What's the meaning of life? Or what's the purpose of life?

n T This question was asked by someone on twitter. At first I was like, “How do I answer that?!” But truth is, every man has his own opinion. I don’t believe it’s because we’re meant to disagree, but that we’re called to understand and support that each person believes something different because they have a different calling. I believe the reason we’re alive is to learn what love is. We then, in a perfect world, would all accept Love, and then learn to share it.

Speaking of sharing, someone also asked when I would be making a new video update. Oddly enough, I thought about that exact thing just yesterday. If you guys would like, comment below with a cover song you’d like for me to learn and post for you. We’ll make our own little TRL on blogspot!! ;)

when can we expect a new Kaci Brown (Monroe) album?

Absolutely loved debut, anxiously awaiting a sophomore release!


First of all, Brittany, I love you for this!

I wish I could answer you with an exact date, but I can’t. I am no longer signed to a record company. I was dropped from Interscope and have been pursuing the industry from different angles, writing and whatnot. I have a new commercial agent, but am currently not tied down elsewhere. Without a record deal, it’s hard to tell when a record will come out. Like I said, it’s a challenge for me to be content with such a lack of control. It’s all in God’s timing. I’m always like, “God, am I not working hard enough?? I know faith without works is dead!” He always says to me, “Child, you’re not My slave. You’re My daughter. Enjoy being that, and do not worry.” I’ve decided, in the meantime, to start preparing a set to play out. I’m going to start in small venues, just to be on stage again. Accompanying me will be my sweet, giant of a rocker, Michael.

Michael Colmore Monroe is my new hubby. Not the high-school/boyfriend’s nickname kind, but the real deal. We got married August first of this year, and being married is incredible. I tried to find a reason to say no, and I just couldn’t. I think the biggest blessing in the world is to know you get to wake up to your best friend for the rest of your life. I think sometimes people get so afraid of being hurt by love that they guard themselves from it; which prevents them from ever experiencing all love has to offer. And that is one of the saddest realities of all.

what are some of the things you would like to study? and why?

I don’t know that I’d like to study it, but I need to study a cookbook or two. I’m always talking about how good the food is in the south, but I truly feel bad for taking so much pride in something I can’t cook. I’ve only been married a little over a month and I’ve embarrassed myself quite a few times already. One of the worst moments in the kitchen left a nice little scar on my right arm. Note to self: Toothpaste doesn’t really take the sting out of an oven burn. Note to you: If you try it, remember to wipe it off or cover it before you get in your car. There are still remnants of toothpaste on my console.

So after typing all you’ve read thus far, I found this:

do you plan on doing any grassroots type touring(ie coffee shops etc)? What are your musical goals at this point? Any good cooking tips now that you're married? ;)

FUNNY!!!! Right???? As we all see that those are answered, we’re moving on--

Are you a backstreet boys fan? And how do you feel about what kanye did to taylor last night?

Dude, I’ve been and always will be a bsb admirer. For different reasons, each member will have made an everlasting impression in my life, Kevin included. And as far as how I feel about Kanye, I say keep it classy, Kanye. Oh, and you just made everyone that never liked country music love Taylor Swift. After seeing behind the scenes, you have to wonder if those things are planned. Like, why was Taylor already backstage and not seated back in the audience? Ready to walk out, maybe? Who knows? Just remember, this IS the ENTERTAINMENT industry.

if you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring 5 things, what would they be? And don't say a boat to get off the island, hahaha! - Bryan!

If I were stranded on an island and could only bring five things, what would I bring? Bryan, that’s a good question. I would definitely want to bring Missy, in hopes her bark would either scare off or annoy any unwanted visitors. I would want to bring Michael. Otherwise, I would starve. He’s the only one fast enough to catch the food, and definitely the only one that would know how to make it edible. I would bring an ample supply of fireworks. We might as well make it romantic while shooting flaming signals for help. ;) I would bring my LOVE SPELL body lotion from Victoria’s Secret. I’m sure we wouldn’t have the luxury of having showers and stocked shelves of Dove products on this deserted island, so LOVE SPELL would be my best friend. If size of the item didn’t matter, I’d bring an 8-person tent. I’d sneak in some sleeping bags and a can of OFF too. ;)

How do you feel about the economic crisis, the new Health Care bill, and are you a Democrat or a Republican ... there I go with the full on interview again haha.

I say this - - The American economy is built on credit. The word GREED comes to mind, when I think of what got us in to this mess. A lot of people got rich quickly and people wanted more.

Thankfully, there’s a Bible full of encouraging promises! Even in the midst of the “financial crisis” we are experiencing, we can remain hopeful and encouraged if we continue putting our trust in God.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” – Phil 4:19

I know many Christians still believe the Health Care Bill covers abortion. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who last month proposed an amendment to prevent mandatory abortion coverage in public or private plan, said in Time that President Obama either doesn’t understand the bill or “if he is aware of it, and he is making these statements, then he is misleading people.”

Now I am anti-many things, but that doesn’t mean that I can make them all illegal. If I am anti-anything, my integrity will keep me from doing it. I’ll do my best to be an example of what I believe. Do I agree that making abortion illegal is a good preventative? Yes, I do. However, I also believe it should be a choice- just like everything else. I believe we as Christians should do our job and be Christ-like-- Hating what God hates: the wrong. And loving what He loves: the people.

We can go back and forth with the pros and cons and debate Democrat/Republican views, but I’d rather just say in confidence that whatever ends up happening, regardless my personal stance, God is in control and will use this all for His glory.

Peace, Love and Joy my friend! Irie!!

will u be posting pictures from your wedding soon?

This is just for you! .............. >>>

what is your favorite movie?

I love movies. I tend to watch at least ½ a movie a night before I pass out. I have so many that I love, man. I couldn’t pick a favorite, so I decided “9” is my most-recent-favorite movie!

Come back for more soon!

Blessings until then,


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Evening of 06.17-

Pleased am I, attributable to a man I'll soon call my king.
His charisma allures me in to this world I've never known.

Just now, I've realized that no possession on or in this earth could possibly bring me such joy as he. Perhaps I'll only view them as the perfect icing to the most delicious cake in existence.

The peerless attributes have captivated my almost every thought. I'm quite keen of this man, if you've yet to notice.

I'm writing this all to say, I'm in love. I'm helplessly and hopelessly in love.

Fitting I find this time to Praise God for all the gifts I've been given.
I'm guessing they've been there, knowing my Lord's consistence.
It's just taken this period for me to see each blessing for what it is/they are.

Seasons are the most fascinating of the bits and pieces of space/s separated.
Astonishing is how things so rapidly can change/have changed.

With all the arrangements being set for the big day, I can acknowledge God and His awesomeness alone.

There were forlorn moments when I thought the details would never come together.

Here we are less than two months away, and each moment a new miracle is revealed. How marvelous is He!

I'm inheriting an incredible mother-in-law. That in itself is a God response to a pleading prayer. I know there's no way I could have managed thus far without the support from my mother, Annette, and Michael's mother, Lissa.

Thank you both for being up-beat and so spiritually encouraging. With your assistance, I'll continue to do my very best to walk by faith.

I'm claiming each and every assignment of the enemy and all against us falls now under the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm claiming the new publishing agreement will be signed and the money delivered this week, in the mighty Name of Jesus. I'm thanking You Lord in advance for all these things. I know You know the desires of my heart, Father, and I thank You for meeting all my needs, according to Your riches and glory! Thank You for Your strength, Your mercy, and Your unfailing goodness.

Friends, I ask that you keep Michael and I in your prayers!

I love you all.



Saturday, May 30, 2009

A tribute to Avril Lavigne and Lean Cuisines...

"You don't always have to do everything right... Walk around with your hands up in the air like you don't care..." -lyrics from Avril

This is how I feel today, and today this is how I feel. 

I've come to a point of realization-

I am beautiful no matter what the mirror says.

I am happy, no matter what my circumstance says. 

I am helplessly in love and devoted, even when we fight.

If I never get another record deal, I'm still going to make music. It's what I do.

If I want to eat cookies, I can.

If I want to eat french fries, I will.

I've had my wakeup call.

Some think it's crazy to spend a bunch of money on frozen foods, but Lean Cuisines are one of the best friends a bad cook can have. I'm not claiming this over myself forever. I've really not put any effort in to being a good one, to be honest. They suit me just fine... 

I'm on pursuit to find stamps to mail my bills. Later, I'm celebrating the birth of a very dear friend of mine. Tomorrow, I will join my fellow believers in worshiping our Lord. There's a possibility that I'll be in the studio during the afternoon. And in the evening, I'll retrieve my beautiful mother from the airport. 

Next week offers many promises and prayers answered.

I'll keep you updated.

God is good!!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blessed Sunday!

It's Sunday morning. I'm sitting on the couch, staring out in to God's beautiful creation through the many windows that illuminate the walls of my new loft. 

I've made several mental notes, reminding myself to update the blogspot. I'm finally getting around to doing it. Praise God. :)

This week has been life-changing. We had a women's conference at church all week. Tuesday night prayer, I missed. However, I attended Wednesday through Friday night services, and also the ladies luncheon yesterday held at the Hilton in Woodland Hills. 

I had so many revelations about love, honor, and purity. With knowing God's desires for us, I have a newfound appreciation and reverence toward His grace. It's very easy to get caught in the motions of "playing church," but friends, I'm here to tell you that God became real to me again this week. He had me weeping on my knees Thursday night. His power absolutely put me beside myself. There's nothing more riveting or inspiring than to see His presence move through the hearts of the congregation, and women crying out with thanksgiving. The shouts of joy were enough to send chills up anyone's spine.

I was in such a state of reverie after the week of events that last night I was unable to sleep. I downloaded music from itunes to put on my ipod so I'd have new listening material for the gym. I then realized I was two hours past closing time, so I took little Missy for a run to the local Ralph's grocery and back. Like I twittered, it probably wasn't the safest idea. However, the incline was incredible. I'm definitely feeling it in my rear this morning. 

I think I finally put my head to the pillow around 5am. Knowing I had to be on stage this morning at 7:50, I set my alarm for 6:40. Sure enough, I awoke to a car alarm going off under my building around 10min past 8am. My eyes still feel like sandpaper, but God is good. I'll be there to serve at the 11am and 1pm services. 

Michael, my love, has gone back to work at Saddle temporarily. He's such an awesome man of God. As much as it was a challenge to return, He didn't back down in fear. He stood up with an uncompromising integrity, and walked straight in to that dark place with the strength of His Lord and Savior. He's confessing the Name before every person he meets. I'm in constant prayer that the Word washes him daily; purifies him daily from the things let in through his eye and ear gate while slaving until the wee hours of the morning. Please be in agreement that he's delivered soon. I know this is only part of the testimony God will use to His glory!! I'll keep you updated. 

Concerning my publishing deal, it looks as if we're at the tail/end of negotiations with Sony. It's been difficult to not fall in to Satan's trap of anxiety. God's revealed Himself faithful in showing me that in stillness-- you really can find peace. When He says in His Word, "According to your faith, be it unto you," He means it. There's a difference in hoping for something and having faith in it. Having faith in any given situation moves God from the future to the present. For example, if you're sick and I say, "I hope God heals you," I'm hoping that in the future God will heal you. However, if I say, "I believe God at His Word and have faith that you are healed, in Jesus' name," that's the faith in the now-- walking by faith, rather than by sight. That's what we're called to do. See the difference? It's a big one.

I pray you all have a blessed Sunday. Thanks for reading!

My love,


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fifteenth of April ~ LIVE TO GIVE ...

Today is the fifteenth of April. I'm in complete shock that the fourth month of this year has half way passed. Each day brings something new, and in that we can always trust. It may not always be what we'd hoped for, but I've learned that if you put your hope in Christ Jesus, in His perfect timing, He'll surpass every hope you've ever had. The visions we've had for our own lives are only a glimpse of what He has to offer us. 

I played the Q & A game yesterday on Twitter, which also posts to my facebook. I answered as many questions as I could before I had to leave last night. It's always so interesting to me to see what people REALLY want to know. If you give someone an opportunity to ask ANY question in the world and they ask you if you like fishsticks, what does that mean?? haha... 
Anyway, someone asked what a day in the life of 'kaci' involves... 
and in answering that, it starts out by reading something like this --

"Listen! My love is approaching." Song of Songs 2:8

For several reasons, I am absolutely positive my husband, Keith, loves me. He shows me in all sorts of ways. For one thing, he tells me he thinks about me often during the day. I know this is true because he calls me at least once or twice at work every day. He testifies of his love for me to others. Often someone will tell me they've seen Keith, and then they'll remark, "He sure seems to love his wife."

If you're married and your spouse is not as loving, please don't despair! I can tell you that God graciously delivered Keith and me from filing for divorce on several occasions. Don't give up! God can work miracles!  -Beth Moore
 (Breaking Free Day By Day)

"Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over..." Luke 6:38

God wants you to be happy! He wants you to live a satisfied life. Jesus said, "I have come that you might have and enjoy life, and have it to the full -- until it overflows!"
A major key to enjoying life is that we live to give.
True happiness and true fulfillment come when you give of your life in some way to others. God promises to multiply back to you what you give. When you step out in faith, you open a door for God's hand of blessing to move on your behalf. It's the simple principle of sowing and reaping. 
God has a specific plan for every one of our lives. His plan involves reaching out and touching other people with His love, mercy and compassion. Ask the Lord to show you how you can share His love with others by giving of your time, your talents and your resources today.

Dear Father, thank You for the precious opportunity to share Your love and compassion with others today. I know that as I step out to give of myself, You will use me to be a blessing to others. Thank You for Your goodness and mercy, which follow me all the days of my life. 
-Joel Osteen (30 Thoughts for Victorious Living)

I'm currently listening to "Be Blessed" by Karen Clark Sheard, while writing this blog. I spent the morning cleaning and preparing my apartment for the "final walk through." I'm moving out first of May, so they have to come at some point today to make sure I didn't trash the place. ;)

I have several business calls and emails to take care of, but it shouldn't take too long. I've had a few song ideas I've wanted to sit down and work on for a while, but balancing my schedule has been a bit of a challenge. I'm in the midst of contractual negotiations on a few things right now, so unfortunately my creative side has been slightly neglected for a couple of weeks. 
Pastor Desiree is preaching at the 7pm service at my church tonight. I'm looking forward to hearing her. She's an anointed woman that always brings fire! 

I have a very handsome man in my living room playing guitar right now. It's nice to have someone around that's so musically inspiring. I'm going to wrap this up and see if I can't go catch on to a few things. ;)

I'll have videos and new pictures to post as soon as I get my camera back from the shop. 

I pray you all have a SUPER BLESSED DAY!

My love & thanks for reading,


ps. my iTunes jumped to "If I Fell" from the London Strings Orchestra. It's on the "The Music of The Beatles- Across The Universe" album. If you don't have it, I suggest getting it. 
LOVE IT!!! <3

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Filter your thoughts...

"I will set no evil before my eyes." (Psalm 101:3)

     Did you know that what you think determines the direction and quality of your life? The Bible encourages us to think on things that are pure, wholesome, and of a good report. (Phil. 4:8)

     In order to think on the right things, it is important that you filter what you watch, read and listen to. Don't let the enemy slowly deceive you into lowering your standards and desensitizing you to what is good and pure

Don't let him have a single opportunity to pull you down by watching or being involved in things that are questionable. 

     Remember you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Fill your thoughts with the promises of God found in His Word-
promises of peace, joy, and freedom; promises of safety, deliverance and provision; promises of a future and a hope that are only found through Jesus Christ! 

As you fill your thoughts with God's Word, victory will come alive in every area of your life!

Prayer for Today:
     Heavenly Father, today I ask You to fill my thoughts with Your thoughts, and fill my heart with Your promises. I choose to focus on You and the good things You have in store for me. I will meditate on Your Word. Thank You for guiding my every action, my every thought and my every step.

(from "30 Thoughts For Victorious Living" by Joel Osteen)

     I'm heading out the door for Runyon Canyon Park. I pray I make it to "Cloud's Rest." I'm a little out of shape. Up and down the paved path is a little more than two miles, and takes about an hour. I want to work my way in to the "fitness buff" category. Wish me luck.

Have a blessed and victorious day!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Good morning, Friends

Today's forecast is mostly sunny, here in California!! Highs from the upper 60s at the beaches to the upper 70s inland. 
Matthew, Michael's brother, is out visiting for Spring Break... I believe we're going to fill today with some Venice Beach Fun!! They both played college ball, so I'm looking forward to them kicking some beach-bum butt on the courts!! I didn't cheer in school, but I'll be doing my best to celebrate their awesomeness in the bleachers. 
I'm also looking forward to the Boardwalk. It's the most visited destination in Los Angeles... 16 million visitors a year! Over a mile of it is lined with funky shops, cafes, and vendor booths. Colorful street performers, artists, and hard-bodies running around in weird spedos at the Muscle Beach outdoor gym are only SOME of the main attractions.
 Seeing as how today is St. Patrick's Day, I'm sure the madness will be amplified! yay!

FYI- One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock. I read this and thought it was interesting... 
This stems from a more bona fide Irish tale that tells how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day. 

The St. Patrick's Day custom came to America in 1737. That was the first year St. Patrick's Day was publicly celebrated in this country, in Boston. (Shout out to Catherine!) Today, people celebrate the day with parades, wearing of the green, and drinking beer. (Seeing as how we'll be in Venice, I'm sure they'll not only wear it... many will be smoking it...) One of the reasons St. Patrick's Day might have become so popular is that it takes place just a few days before the first day of spring. One might say it has become the first green of spring. 

This video is just a little something fun the boys and I did late afternoon, Sunday. We'd never done it before, but thought we'd record it for kicks. The best part is Frank with his arms in the air at the end... "woooh!" It's an awesome original by the eldest of the Monroe boys, Michael. It's called "Last Kiss" ... Enjoy & Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

 Blessings!! -k-

ps. Please don't post this video anywhere else. It's for blog viewers only. Thanks! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

A note from me to you...

I cried myself to sleep last night, ignoring the comfort my Father offered. 
I saw something that wasn't there. I believe that someone didn't care.
I lost my cool just when it mattered most. Not only were my fears revealed, I showed a lack of growth. It's hard to see the truth of where you stand, when you're standing in the lie. My only desire is to be a woman of faith, hope and love, and to speak His word with fire. I felt the old me start to burn. My Spirit revealed my pain. I could smell the death as my heart continued to whale, and I knew I'd never be the same. When I awoke this morning, the warmth of the sun drizzled on my bed. There's a calmness in His presence that's become my daily bread.
It's crucial. It's real. It's perfect.

Regardless the mistake, fall to your knees and pray.
There's a God that loves us all, and we're covered by His grace.

It's a beautiful beautiful beautiful thing. 

-- In Him,


Live By The Spirit!

"If you live by the Spirit, you'll not fulfill the lusts of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16)

Did you know that you make over 2,500 choices every day? The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your decisions. Because of that, choosing to live according to the Spirit is the most important decision you can make. One way God speaks to you is through your spirit, that small "voice" inside that prompts you when you should or shouldn't do something. When you choose to obey God's leading, that "inner prompting," you will always make the right choice!

1John 3:21 says that a guilty conscience hinders communication with our Heavenly Father. That's why it is so important to stay true to your conscience and quickly repent if you've made a mistake.

Remember, Jeremiah 29:11 promises that God has great plans in store for you and when you choose to follow His leading, He will guide you on a path of victory in every area of your life! You are born to win!

Prayer for today:

Precious Father, thank You for Your promise to lead and guide me by Your Spirit. I ask You to teach me to clearly know Your promptings in my heart so that I can follow Your leading. Thank You for setting me free to walk in victory today. 
 "30 Thoughts for Victorious Living" by Joel Osteen

May we all do our best to Live By The Spirit today. :)


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Focus On The Future-

"Do not cast away your confidence for it will be richly rewarded" (Hebrews 10:35)

God is constantly trying to plant new seeds of victory inside of you! He's trying to increase you and enlarge your vision. He wants to take you to new levels of victory. But in order for this to happen, the seed has to take root in your heart. Before you're ever going to be successful, you've got to see yourself being successful. Before your dreams come to pass, you've got to look through your eyes of faith and see them coming to pass.

The enemy doesn't want you to fulfill your destiny, so he immediately tries to discourage you and uproot the seed God planted. In order to defeat the enemy in your life, you have to stay focused on God's promises. Constantly meditate on His promises, live a life that is pleasing and honoring to God, and thank the Lord for His faithfulness no matter what the circumstances look like. Before long, you'll begin to see the dreams God placed in your heart come to pass-- dreams filled with blessing and victory!

Prayer for today-

Heavenly Father, I commit my thoughts to You today. I purpose in my heart to stay focused on You and the good plan You have for me today. Holy Spirit, remind me of God's Word so I can fill my heart with His promise of victory today.
In Jesus' holy name... Amen. 

Happy Friday the 13th, my friends!

I'll be in the studio twittering away. ;)



Saturday, March 7, 2009

A little bit of everything...

... Showering you with my thoughts, & praying a WORLD PEACE prayer for our leaders ...

     Father, in Jesus' name, we give thanks for the United States and its government. We hold up in prayer before You the men and women who are in positions of authority. We pray and intercede for the president, the representatives, the senators, the judges of our land, the policemen and the policewomen, as well as the governors and mayors, and for all those who are in authority over us in any way. We pray that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon them. 
     We believe that skillful and godly wisdom has entered into the heart of our president and knowledge is pleasant to him. Discretion watches over him; understanding keeps him and delivers him from the way of evil and from evil men.     
     Father, we ask that You compass the president about with men and women who make their hearts and ears attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in Your sight. We believe You cause them to be men and women of integrity who are obedient concerning us that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. We pray that the upright shall dwell in our government -- that men and women blameless and complete in Your sight, Father, shall remain in these positions of authority, but the wicked shall be cut off from our government and the treacherous shall be rooted out of it.
     Your Word declares that "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" (Psalm 33:12). We receive Your blessing. Father, You are our Refuge and Stronghold in times of trouble (high cost, destitution, and desperation). So we declare with our mouths that Your people dwell safely in this land, and we 
prosper abundantly. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus!
     It is written in Your Word that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and that You turn it whichever way You desire. We believe the heart of our leader is in Your hand and that his decisions are divinely directed of the Lord. 
     We give thanks unto You that the good news of the Gospel is published in our land. The Word of the Lord prevails and grows mightily in the hearts and lives of the people. We give thanks for this land and the leaders You have given to us, in Jesus' name. 
     Jesus is Lord over the United States! Amen.

 I realized this morning --Mom and I are long over-due for some good, quality girl time. This is kind of off subject, but the older I get, the more we're mistaken for sisters. The similarities used to not be so evident; at least not to me. If I were on the outside, I'm sure it would have been obvious that we were related. However, lately, in the occasional picture, I'll have a total Annette expression and it'll
 freak me out. Over the years her eyes have changed from honey
 brown to light green. I'm seeing hints of the green in my own eyes now. It's kind of cool. 

love the sun, the beach, warm wind, mood music, 
humming birds and our little girls, Missy and Roadie. If time permits, we may blast some Enigma through Topanga Canyon all the way to Malibu for an
 afternoon of fun.

...if you're not familiar with Enigma, here's the link to their music myspace page... 

     I'll always be Momma's baby, but I've recently been wanting one of my own. Yes........ I know I'm not married yet. I'm also aware that I've not yet released my record. Just because I want something doesn't mean I don't know how to wait for it. I'm just being open and honest... Don't hate. 
     My grandparents called yesterday telling me about the millionth friend of mine back in Texas that just had her baby. It seems like they're just popping out everywhere down in the south. The norm is quite different here in the city. 
     You can be twenty-nine and still club every night with your girls, serve tables part-time, meanwhile hoping you may meet someone in the industry that'll make all your dreams come true, and go on auditions and attend acting classes in the meantime. It blows my mind.
     When I first moved to California, I didn't want to be friends with actors or actresses because I thought they were all fake. I had to get over that. It's a very lonely world without friends. And in California, you really don't have a choice. Nine and a half times out of ten, that's who they are and what they do. You get used to it.

Until then... on the music note... I've been working out of Casa Mafia with the Midi guys. They're becoming like family. Bruce talks a lot, and Swift finds his chi. They're hilariously fabulous. They make for great inspiration. I absolutely adore them. If you're not yet familiar with what they've accomplished, I encourage you to get that way. 
They've got awesomeness spread all over the bread of the business right now. They're hard to miss, and impossible not to love.

... if you'd like to know more about chi, visit ...
... and to get connected to my guys, check out or follow them at
 ( ( (
You can also hip an ear at

Little Missy seems to be enjoying what we're doing. She comes to the studio and hangs with us occasionally. She likes to be with her Mommy. :) 

Speaking of adorable animals and their mommies... 
Michael took me to the zoo this past Thursday. You have to see how sweet this is.

Here are other misc pics from the zoo ~

We enjoyed ourselves. 

...Ok, so there are a few other people in my life I want to recognize. 
  • My friend Matt is in a band called "The It Boys..." They just released a cover of "Just Dance" ft. Jeffree Star. Be sure to check it out on their music myspace. If you like it, show your support by making it your profile song. (
  • Jesse has a show at the House Of Blues here in LA this coming Monday- March 9th. 7:30-10pm. I won't be able to score extra tickets for this show. Sorry guys. Also, he's playing House Of Blues in San Diego Tuesday night, March 10th- 8pm. If you're unable to make these, there will be more come July/Aug. For more info on Jesse, visit
  • Nikki Flores, my fellow Lakers fanatic, is still doing what she does best-- And that's make incredible music. She's a voice of an angel and gets more myspace plays the God's best, unsigned friend. haha... I believe her next plan is a trip to New York to finally score the RIGHT deal for her. This business is quite crazy and seemingly getting even crazier. I pray for favor for Nikki, and for the perfect company with united visions. <3 class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold;">

--Meanwhile, we all have to pay the bills. 
Talking about favor... I'm able still to do what I love and get paid for it. It's the next best thing to touring. 
My JOB is helping prepare and develop young artists that share the same dream. You can learn more about it at Talent Boot Camp's official myspace page.

I've become pretty tight with several of the young artists there. One of which I want to give a shout out to. 
Danielle has become my "itGIRL..." She's really turning in to her own. You can see her in the "That's My Lane" youtube video on my youtube page. If you haven't seen it, check it out. I'm so proud of you, D! xx

... I couldn't continue doing what I do without the support of my best friends in the world, which hardly ever get the attention they deserve... 

Darla Dickson and Erica Verner, both of Sulphur Springs, Tx, are two of the most amazing human beings on planet earth. They've been with me since the beginning. Life has taken turns we never anticipated, but there's that something between us that nothing could ever tear apart. I love you both with huge pieces of my heart!! 

Jayson Sanchez is brilliant and genuine. He's that being in the room that helps everyone lighten up. He's got an adorable giggle and a huge heart for God. He's that friend that will answer the phone at 3am, hold your hair back when you puke, and let you cry when someone hurts you. He'll laugh with you even when he doesn't think it's funny, then laugh at you for thinking that he did. he calls me a dork. 

Catherine is that friend I hardly know, but without a doubt, she'd do anything in the world for someone she cares about. She's beautiful inside and out, and deserves to hear it.

... And one of the greatest supporters of all time is a young woman I met on the Backstreet tour in 05. Angie, you've been an angel of encouragement over the past couple of years. There aren't many people I've seen in multiple states, and you happen to live in one of my favorites. The love of Christ has been so evident every time I've seen you face to face, and I want you to know what an impression it's made on me. You're always giving, and I don't thank you enough. Keep being you. We all love you for it.

Ok Ok... 

I'm going to go enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!

Peace, Love, and Blessings to you all...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The mint budget doubled...

Hello, Friends! 

So... Michael always has a stash of ICEBREAKERS' sugar free mints. I eat them two at a time. (Suck on one & chew the other...) What's cute is how frugal he is. He knows exactly how much he spends a month on these mints. Since we've reunited, his mint budget doubled.
I took note of this and decided to buy my own at the gas station yesterday, while I was waiting for my tank to fill. Half of me wanted the mints. The other half just missed the way his mouth tastes.  ;)

Since the last time I blogged, I was sick & have made almost a full recovery, & I saw my first NBA game!! I looked online for the Feb. 20 recap. Lakers vs. Hornets.
THE LAKERS WON IN OVERTIME!! (such a great game...) 
C. Paul had 21 points. K. Bryant had 39

Michael turned 26 on the 21st. Check out his blog, if you get a chance. It's super sweet!
Also, he finished recording new material down in San Diego. I'm the proudest kid on the planet. The first mix was great. The new mix, as of yesterday, sounds incredible.

I've been hitting up the gym & the studio on a regular basis, & am making attempts at becoming more involved in allowing others to be involved in what I'm doing through Facebook & my newest obsession, TWITTER. :)

I'm loving life & PRAISING THE LORD!!!

I'm beyond blessed...

Have a great one, my friends!
